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Now downloading free:Agilent 5991-3103EN Optimize Transceiver Test Throughput with the Keysight PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer and G

Agilent 5991-3103EN Optimize Transceiver Test Throughput with the Keysight PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer and G free download

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File name:5991-3103EN Optimize Transceiver Test Throughput with the Keysight PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer and G
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Original:5991-3103EN Optimize Transceiver Test Throughput with the Keysight PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer and G 🔎
Descr: Agilent 5991-3103EN Optimize Transceiver Test Throughput with the Keysight PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer and Generator c20140828 [7].pdf
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File name 5991-3103EN Optimize Transceiver Test Throughput with the Keysight PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer and G

Keysight Technologies Optimize Transceiver Test Throughput with the Keysight PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer and Generator Application Note Accelerate transceiver test throughput with the Keysight M9391A PXIe Vector Signal Analyzer and M9381A PXIe Vector Signal Generator. Achieve cost reductions in test while maintaining high test quality. Abstract Transceivers are one of the basic building blocks of modern The Keysight Technologies, Inc. M9381 PXIe Vector Signal communication systems. They are used in a variety of devices Generator (PXI VSG) and the M9391A PXIe Vector Signal including mobile phones, wireless LAN access points and Analyzer (PXI VSA) offer features that enable the engineer to cellular infrastructure. Engineers who test transceivers are quickly cover a large range of test requirements. The PXI VSG looking for solutions that will enable an increased level of provides fast switching, flexible timing and synchronization, calibration required by modern communication standards as well as the ability to use a variety of modulated wave- and synchronization to the test system. At the same time, forms. The PXI VSA provides fast power level changes and pressure on prices of these devices place greater demands frequency offsets as well as on-board integrated power mea- on engineering teams to reduce the cost of test and increase surements with list mode capabilities that further accelerate production and test throughput. measurement speeds. 2 Introduction between points, flexibility in timing and synchronization and the ability to use a variety of modulated waveforms. This application note provides an overview of the key issues in transceiver test as it relates to the selection and Timing and frequency synchronization performance of the RF signal analyzer and generator. Further, The two primary drivers for synchronization between the VSG it describes how the Keysight M9381A PXIe VSG (PXI VSG) and the transceiver DUT are the use of list modes mentioned achieves superior performance in transceiver test systems before, and testing of the transceiver in an operational mode. through offering fast switching times, list mode and flexible timing and frequency synchronization. Likewise, the Keysight There are two basic synchronization methods with list modes. M9391A PXIe VSA (PXI VSA) completes the high performance

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